In this article we'll cover:
- Where you can find the Yoga International TV app
- Content and features available on the TV app
- How to access your library on the TV app
Where you can find the TV App
You can find the Yoga International TV app on AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, and GoogleTV
Content and Features on the TV App
- On either TV app you can view classes and meditations on the Classes and Meditations Menu
- You can access the My Classes and My Meditations Library
Additionally, the TV app has
- Keyword search functionality
- Latest classes section
Accessing your library on the TV app
Although you cannot add a class or meditation directly from the TV App, if you add them on other platforms, they will be there the next time you log in through the TV app.
Once you log in, to get to your library:
- Click the back button on your remote, this will take you to the left-side menu
- Click up or down to select "My Classes" or "My Meditations"